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How to uninstall SlideLizard

1 min read

You can uninstall SlideLizard like any other Windows software as usual. A previous deactivation of SlideLizard is NOT necessary.

  1. Click on the Windows icon in the bottom left corner and type “uninstall” in the search box and select “Apps & Features”.
  2. Enter “SlideLizard” in the search box in the opened window.
  3. Click on the first SlideLizard entry and select “Uninstall”.
  4. Confirm the action with “Yes”.
  5. Carry out steps 3-4 for the second SlideLizard entry as well

Problems with uninstalling

In rare cases, a flaw in PowerPoint may cause SlideLizard to still be displayed in PowerPoint even after uninstalling. If this is the case, carry out the following steps:

  1. In PowerPoint go to the settings (File > Options)
  2. Select “Add-Ins” in the sidebar
  3. Click “Go…” next to “COM Add-Ins”
  4. Now select SlideLizard in the dialog and click “Remove”

If this does not work, either because SlideLizard is still visible or because PowerPoint crashes while removing (unfortunately this is a bug of PowerPoint itself), you can do the following:

  1. Open the Windows file explorer and enter %localappdata%\Apps in the address bar
  2. Afterwards delete the folder 2.0 (this is where Windows stores data for caching so that it doesn’t have to download them from the internet every time – data from SlideLizard might still be present here). If you get an error while deleting, please close all open programs and File-Explorer Windows and try again.

Finally please restart your PC to ensure all temporary data is deleted.